Sunday, 19 September 2010

Okay so I realised how terribly rude it was for me to make that first post when I haven't even introduced myself okay so here's some info about me mixed into a gyaru manifesto meme!!! Hope you enjoy!!!!
Name: Lissy Jane
Location: Yorkshire, England.
Occupation: Student
Age: I'll be 17 in November.
Hair/Eyes: Natural Hair is honey brown, but I dye it reddy brown. Eyes are hazel.
Fave Colour: Ha if you hadn't allready guessed it's pink!

First Discovery of Gyaru: Oh hmmmmmmm aaaaaaages ago. I'd say just after I turned 14, GOSH nearly 3 years ago *feels old*!

Your Gyaru Styles: It switches between banba/romanba, hime-gyaru, ko-gyaru, and just normal gyaru! But whatever it is I usually try and go for an ero-kawaii look! Hee Hee!

Your Top 5 Gyaru Model Inspirations:




and Yu Yu!

Your Top 5 Gyaru Non-Model Inspirations:
Tsuji Nozomi


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Your 3 Favourite Gyaru Magazines: Ranzuki, Ageha, Egg!

The Top 6 Gyaru Brands You Like Best: JSG, Golds Infinity, CocoLulu, MA*RS, and Jesus Diamante!

Top 10 Gyaru Fashion Goals:
1. Grow my hair a lot longer.
2. Master using fake bottom lashes.
3. Make sure I always have gorgeously decorated nails.
4. Keep up with tanning.
5. Keep at my goal weight.
6. Try and buy as many gyaru mags as possible.
7. Look for more gyaru in my area.
8. Buy some circle lenses.
9. A silly one but - buy an usamimi that costs less than a fiver.
10. Try to ALWAYS look at least semi-well turned-out.

Top 5 Gyaru Achievements:
1. Deciding the looks I was going for.
2. Using my coloured contact lenses.
3. Finding some shops that sell fairly gyaru clothing in Yorkshire.
4. Making lots and lots of hair bows.
5. The constant evolution of my make up skills!

Okay so any more questions, ask away!!!!

*kiss kiss*

1 comment:

  1. Oooh this Gyaru syuff's cool XD and i think you're almost there :) heehee i want your bows! They're so cute :') xxx
