Sunday, 12 September 2010

New Blog!!!! First Post!!!


So this is my first post in a long long time, and god how I have missed blogging! Hee hee so first I'd just love to say it's great to be back!!!

So why haven't I blogged in so long

Well the reason for that is everyone jumped ship to facebook which to my knowledge doesn't have a blogging thing ?!?!?! And so I never bothered to set up shop on blogspot. When I finally did I simply couldn't keep up to date with it without a good camera, phone, and lastly - LAPTOP!!!

Now anyone who knows me personally will know my old laptop was slightley *ahem* okay extremely tempremental!!!!! It had hissy fits whenever I so much as dared to try and do something on it! Ha and it was personally insulted if I so much considered to open up a new internet page. So cho beri ba!!!!!!!!!!!

Now however I finally have my gorgeous new little HP netbook! I would reccomend this netbook to any girl who needs a portable quick laptop! Super light weight at only 1 and a bit kilos!!! Really fast even after downloading various games, fairly decent webcam, and of course the most important thing for any girl who knows her worth - it comes in a gorgeous baby pink! Even the key board and bottom are pink! Hee hee not like Dells which go"Oh it's pink" and are only pink on the lid! So all in all super pleased! Ha especially after having to put up with a devil of an acer!

So how did I receive this netbook you may be asking! Well It's a gift and need all in one! It's a gft for my GCSE results which i was so relieved over! Aaaaand I needed it for my new life in sixth form! Mad pleased!

Sixth form life is so awesome! I shall most definitely have to do a post on it showing all about my first day!!!! But that will come later!

Well I feel I may allready have over loaded this first post so I'll love you and leave you for now!!!!

*kiss kiss*

1 comment:

  1. Hey Izzy!
    Have fun blogging :) i'll follow you as soon as i make mine :D and i'm subscribing to your posts hun :)
    See you tomorrow, hope you're prepared for Ancient Greek because i'm not lol
