Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Okay so here is the much awaited for fake tan review!!!!
So in previous years i've used Johnsons Gradual Fake Tanner! Let me say one thing - ORANGE!!!!!

So when I go for a tan I like a nice deep mahogany!!!! NOT OOMPALOOMPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah with Johnsons it's great if you want a nice gentle bronze, however if you want something darker it ends up going ORANGE! aka not good at all!!!
So this stuff ... St Moriz!!!

It's BRILLIANT!!!!!! I actually adore it!

Admittedly it does streak more than the Johnsons!!! BUTTTTT with some good elbow grease you can get it good and even! (And yep as you can see from the label it is only £3.99!!! Such a reasonable price for a good month/2 months worth!)

Anyway back to talking about getting it even! Okay so as you can see from the pic I bought a tanning mit, well I decided I intensly dislike tanning mits!

(yep I'm aware how grosse the fake tan looks!)

They're too big for my hands so it slides about like crazy when I have it on! Not only this but because of this I can't rub it on with enough pressure so I end up - you guessed it - streaky! Not Good!
So I decided to go back to using a tanning sock, a very highly technological tool of: an odd sock! Yep I heard on snog marry avoid that to get an even tan you have to use a sock and guess what it works!

Here is where a problem with St Moriz comes in! With Johnsons when the tan soaked through the sock and on to my hand it was okay and I could just wash it off after. However this stuff stains your skin like instantly!!!!!! So I needed something that solved the problem!!!! Then the idea came to me to use the plastic gloves you get in hair dye!!! Problem solved hee hee!!!!

Now the next bit was quite tricky to show cause of my horridious camera but I did my best!!!!

Yep I know seriously crap photo! But at least it shows the difference between how white I was before and the nice brown I am now! Well actually I'm darker now cause I applied another layer! But hey you get the general jist ne!!!!!
Very Very Very Good! I was most pleased indeed by it! Me thinks I shall be swapping to this permanently now! Only problem is I'm swimming on Saturday and chlorine eats fake tan!!!!!!!!! Oh o!!!!
Well fingers crossed eh!
See you later!
*kiss kiss*

Friday, 24 September 2010

Trip to see "As You Like It"

Okay soooo tonight I am off to the theatre! Hee hee it's gonna be really fun 'cause it's Shakespeare's comedy "As You Like It" I really love Shakespeare's play they're so witty and so I'm especially looking forward to it, it will be the first time I've seen As You Like It so fingers crossed it'll be well performed!

Now to the important matter of the evening! What will I be wearing!!! Well unfortunately it's not like one of these big posh theatres with nice red velvet upholstery :( it has .... metal seats *shudders*! Even standing in the pit of The Globe was comfier! So yeah not posh cocktail dresses unfortunately!

So I decided to go for a casual slouchy knit dress that I snapped up in the Next sale.

T'is very nice and warm and slouchy! Perfect comfort!!!!

Then I teamed it with my favourite pair of Winter boots from Primark! They were only £12 yet they've lasted me 2 years!!!! And they match a tonne of my own clothes!!!! So very practical!

-------------------------After The Night---------------

Okay so the play was crap! I dunno if it was the actors or the fact that I just didn't like the play! Either way the only thing keeping me awake that night was the fact that I had my new purple contact lenses in!!!!
So enough with the boredom!!!! I was wearing this...

Okay so as pictures of me go, not the best, but I didn't want to tax my dad's photographic skills too much because - he has none! Poor Dad ha!
But yeah! I'm super happy with how it all co-ordinated!!!

As well I look super cute with new contact lenses in purple!!! I love them! Not quite sure if they suit me though, maybe a deeper purple ne!

Here's a pic of my make up to show you!!!!!! I reaaaaaaaally wanted to glam it up but i thought I better not do in the end, allthoguh really I don't like doing subtle make up at all, to say I don't like it though it came off quite well though!!!!
So as you can tell from the pic I straightened my hair!!! Very happy at that! I would have preferred curls, but with how thick my hair is it takes at least a good 30mins and I just didn't have the time. Anyway as I was saying I straightened it which I haven't done in a very long time, mainly because I'm trying to keep my hair is super good condition so I can grow it out!
Anyone who knows me knows I want my hair below my waist so that when it's curled it come to my waist! I always think girl who have their hair like that look so nice!!!!!! It's gonna take a long while though so very bubble popping making!!!!
Tonight I'm gonna start working on the fake tan review so hopefully that should be up in 2 or 3 days maximum hee hee see you then!!!!!!!
*kiss kiss*

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Ah hee hee time for another post I feel!
Well first of all I'd like to point out i'm having some problems using the cute little emotes i love, so i'm having to give them a rest for the moment, which is very bubblepopping-making :(!
Colons and brackets are just not the same as ameba emotes!!!!!!!
Okay so at the moment apart from the whole emotes problem life is super happy making! So I feel like talking about happy-making things!
So This Month:
1) Internet shopping! I've been on the gyaru raba blog (any budding gyarus shoud certainly check it out like NOW -go on go check it out!). And from it have found a super cute little shop on rakuten (which is totally trustworthyby the way and with super good postage!) called DreamV! So i've seen some totally awesome clothes on there that i wannt!!! So here's some stuff that's on my wish list!!!

Hee Hee contrary to Pusskins' belief these are actually pyjamas! I want them for Spain the set includes one top and one skirt and one hair bow, also the whole set is edged in lace and has hair bows sown on! It also comes in at the super reasonable price of 2480 yen!!! Mad good for all the lacey detailing!

Okay so I am loving the GORGEOUS snow boots in a baby pink!!! Although they could be bought in the brown for a less pink hime-gyaru look. I suppose in the brown or black they'd be more of an onne-gyaru look! But anyway these boots are a total steal at only 3980 yen!!!!! Very reasonable for something so fluffy and warm making for Winter! So these are very practical boots indeed!!!! And as you can see they've been featured in Popteen!!!!

Okay so as much as I love this coat, and I really love this coat, I have to warn you t'is quite pricey at 8980 yen (£67), but I suppose if you compare it to some of the similar coats on Jesus Diamante which are priced well into the hundreds this is a really good coat!!! You get the little fur collar, and it also has bow and lace detailing on the back! Hee hee this is so going on my Christmas wish list!!!

So another pair of shoes that are featured in Popteen! I mega love these! I know heart heels have been around for a good while now but I've never got round to getting any so this is a big want! Especially seeing as of the little charm on the straps and the bows on the front! Yet again this website comes in with a super good price of only 2480 yen! They're so pretty and I could style them up or down depending on when I wear them!!!!

Okay so I really wanted a better picture of this JSG nekomimi, but for some reason neither my laptop nor school computers show up the images on eurogal which has the really good pictures! But anyway yeah! Everyone who's seen this would say it super suits me so I reallllllly reallllllly want it!!!!!! Allthough this pic doesn't show the cute pink armwarmers! I do love the star zipper on this though!

Okay so i know dungarees have been around for aaaaaaages but I was never really into them before! But now I really really want one for when I schlepp down to the co-op but still wanna look semi decent! It looks so comfy, comes in a gorgeous baby pink and is from cocolulu!!!!!!! Hee hee gimme gimme!

2) Okay so second thing making me happy is songs and music etc!!!!
Hee hee so these past few weeks there have been 3 main musical things making me really happy!!!!

So as you will know if you read my second post this is the artist Mizca, she does kinda techno/electro pop which is really very happy making!!! Her song that I'm into most is Dameyo as you can see from the album cover <-----! She's basically singing about how useless her ex boyfriend is whilst dancing about in amazingly gorgeous clothes! Can I just say I want that outfit! And according to Pusskins she reminds her of me - Success!!!! Okay so I've basically learnt the dance to this for my birthday so maybe closer to the time I'll make a post on that ne!!!!

Okay so this group is called Onna Lovely! It's comedy group featuring two girls and one male comedian - Kanada Satoshi! I actually love this song for two reasons!!!! 1 That it's super funny and hilarious, and number 2 is that the song lyrics and such get stuck in your head so easily and can't help but go round singing them hee hee "anata ni panchi panchi panchi" hee hee! I swear once you listen to it you will not be able to get it out of your head!!!!!!
3) Okay so TV happenings that have really made my life fly so much quicker!!!!!
Only two things same as the music!!!!! X Factor is back for yet another year!!!1 Sadly no one yet ammounting to Jedward's awesome-ness, but I think if they get through I'm so voting for Chloe Victoria (ha "but but Saaaamon it's not ma fault"!!!!!) or those Viva Diva guys! Let's hope they sing "Go West" or "YMCA"!!!!!!!!!! The Second TV thing is Britain's next top model is keeping me on tenter hooks, last week my favourite Charlotte got sent home, leaving the annoying, rude, moody, sulky Joy, who I don't understand anyone can like, the bolshy Alisha, and the edgy but cute Tiffany! If you hadn't allready guessed I'm for Tiffany all the way!!!!!!!
4) Okay so the final thing making me really happy this montj is me trying out lots of different ways of applying different colours of make up to get different effects! For example my dp where I've gone for a super huge over exagerated dolly eye and it turned out like perfect so I was so pleased!!!!
Okay well that's enough for this post so I shall write back later with a fake tan review!!!! Toodle pip!
*kiss kiss*

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Okay so I realised how terribly rude it was for me to make that first post when I haven't even introduced myself okay so here's some info about me mixed into a gyaru manifesto meme!!! Hope you enjoy!!!!
Name: Lissy Jane
Location: Yorkshire, England.
Occupation: Student
Age: I'll be 17 in November.
Hair/Eyes: Natural Hair is honey brown, but I dye it reddy brown. Eyes are hazel.
Fave Colour: Ha if you hadn't allready guessed it's pink!

First Discovery of Gyaru: Oh hmmmmmmm aaaaaaages ago. I'd say just after I turned 14, GOSH nearly 3 years ago *feels old*!

Your Gyaru Styles: It switches between banba/romanba, hime-gyaru, ko-gyaru, and just normal gyaru! But whatever it is I usually try and go for an ero-kawaii look! Hee Hee!

Your Top 5 Gyaru Model Inspirations:




and Yu Yu!

Your Top 5 Gyaru Non-Model Inspirations:
Tsuji Nozomi


------ , ------, ------.

Your 3 Favourite Gyaru Magazines: Ranzuki, Ageha, Egg!

The Top 6 Gyaru Brands You Like Best: JSG, Golds Infinity, CocoLulu, MA*RS, and Jesus Diamante!

Top 10 Gyaru Fashion Goals:
1. Grow my hair a lot longer.
2. Master using fake bottom lashes.
3. Make sure I always have gorgeously decorated nails.
4. Keep up with tanning.
5. Keep at my goal weight.
6. Try and buy as many gyaru mags as possible.
7. Look for more gyaru in my area.
8. Buy some circle lenses.
9. A silly one but - buy an usamimi that costs less than a fiver.
10. Try to ALWAYS look at least semi-well turned-out.

Top 5 Gyaru Achievements:
1. Deciding the looks I was going for.
2. Using my coloured contact lenses.
3. Finding some shops that sell fairly gyaru clothing in Yorkshire.
4. Making lots and lots of hair bows.
5. The constant evolution of my make up skills!

Okay so any more questions, ask away!!!!

*kiss kiss*

Sunday, 12 September 2010

New Blog!!!! First Post!!!


So this is my first post in a long long time, and god how I have missed blogging! Hee hee so first I'd just love to say it's great to be back!!!

So why haven't I blogged in so long

Well the reason for that is everyone jumped ship to facebook which to my knowledge doesn't have a blogging thing ?!?!?! And so I never bothered to set up shop on blogspot. When I finally did I simply couldn't keep up to date with it without a good camera, phone, and lastly - LAPTOP!!!

Now anyone who knows me personally will know my old laptop was slightley *ahem* okay extremely tempremental!!!!! It had hissy fits whenever I so much as dared to try and do something on it! Ha and it was personally insulted if I so much considered to open up a new internet page. So cho beri ba!!!!!!!!!!!

Now however I finally have my gorgeous new little HP netbook! I would reccomend this netbook to any girl who needs a portable quick laptop! Super light weight at only 1 and a bit kilos!!! Really fast even after downloading various games, fairly decent webcam, and of course the most important thing for any girl who knows her worth - it comes in a gorgeous baby pink! Even the key board and bottom are pink! Hee hee not like Dells which go"Oh it's pink" and are only pink on the lid! So all in all super pleased! Ha especially after having to put up with a devil of an acer!

So how did I receive this netbook you may be asking! Well It's a gift and need all in one! It's a gft for my GCSE results which i was so relieved over! Aaaaand I needed it for my new life in sixth form! Mad pleased!

Sixth form life is so awesome! I shall most definitely have to do a post on it showing all about my first day!!!! But that will come later!

Well I feel I may allready have over loaded this first post so I'll love you and leave you for now!!!!

*kiss kiss*