So yes supporting Owl City was Unicorn Kid who was BRILLIANT!!! Like when he came on stage with his lion hat on me and Lina were like oh god is he gonna be good or bad!!! But then it turned out he was brilliantly awesome!!! Like literally awesome!!! And I swear some of his songs should be theme tunes to my life honestly!!! So yeah and he just gave off such a good atmosphere and everyone was all jumpy and dancey and it was so good!!! Like manic electro hyper-ness!!! Loved it!!!
So this is what I wore! Unfortunately I look rather disheveled in this pic as this is after it and I had taken myboxer boots off by this point which is annoying cause they looked proper good with the outfit! I had had a major stress before cause I wanted to wear neon and carry on my now tradition of wearing neon for Owl City but i managed to find stuff in the end so I was happy! But yeah sorry about my dishevelled state and bathroom background!!! SORRYYYYY
So here's one of me showing my hair and make up! And also with my brilliant teddy bag!!! This bag became very topical in the English lesson I had before Owl City as we're studying Brideshead Revisited in which Sebastien a character within it who is 19 years old carries round a teddy bear named Aloysius! We have all decided I need a straight version of Sebastien and my class have promised to keep their eyes peeled for me!!! But yes I hope you all approve of how I look!!!
So when Lina took the picture of me with the teddy bag she instantly wanted onewith Teddy herself so here's Lina and a close up of how she looked!!! Teddy and Fascinator!!! He Lina Bear does love her fascinators and I can't really say I blame her! She always looks so pretty with them!!!!
So here's my favouritest ring ever!!! This is my 6% Doki Doki ring that I love to pieces!!!! Literally adore it! It's so big and brash and sprakly and cyber and just wow!!! Worth every penny! Every penny I say!!! For those of you who can't read it it translates as "CYBER"
So after the whole thing was over we went to but some Unicorn Kid CDs and get them signed (we'd bought Owl City tee shirts before hand!) I did get a pic with Unicorn Kid as well but it came out blurry so here's the one of Lina Bear with him!!!!! We had such good fun!!!!
i love unicorn kid!!!