Friday, 11 February 2011

Last Weeked - Scary Bus place, and time at Jadey's

So here we go and here's last weekend woo at last so the plan was after school that I would go to Lina's and we'd have tea and then Lina's dad would drive us over to Jade's uni, however all did not go according to plan!

No No No not at all!

So Lina's destructions to me were catch the 612 by Waterstones. And so me not knowing when she said that by Waterstones meant across from it caught the 612 in the wrong direction! After already being stressed cause I was late! Well anyway as you can imagine I ended up by Hanson school which if you don't know is full of chavs and not just your average nice normal chavs but the horrible scary ones who look like they'd mug you as soon as they look at you, and it was dark and I had no clue where I actually was cause it seemed that I was in the only place in the world with no street signs!!!

I had blisters and it was dark and just yeah not good! I was just glad I was wearing my warm winter coat!!! So finally I got on trhe bus which I had to wait like half an hour for! HALF AN HOUR!!! And finnalllllllly got back into Bradford where I'd been like proper stressed and everything!!!!

But Lina and her mom came to pick me up and so we went back too her fish and chip shop and went back to hers to eat and enjoy fish and chips, vodka and lemonade and haribo, which may I say is a brilliant combination! And so we finished eating and Lina's dad picked us up!

But just before that I got a chance to see Lina's new little kitty named Millie! She's a cute little short haired white thing! And she's lovely!!! Such a cute little kitty!

So omg Jade's room there is so lovely and warm! Omg lovely and cosy and warm! And OMG so tidy! I don't know how she manages to keep it up like that! I'd be a total fail! I think EVERYONE knows how messy I am hee hee ooops! But yeah we didn't take any pictures in the night just mainly sat and chatted! Hee hee chatted an awful lot!!!

And also listened to a lot of old 90s songs that we loved hee hee like U.G.L.Y by Daphne and Celeste, and Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and Stomp etc etc etc before finally dropping to sleep at 2. Hee hee Jade was amazed that we slept through the return of all the other people on her corridor who after pound night we're shouting about how someone could make gravy and general drunken noise! But yeah just proves what heavy sleepers we are hee hee!

So when we woke up was when we started doing cam whoring hee hee t'was very fun!!!! So here's one of Jade all snuggled up in her blanket and looking dead cute!!!

And here's one me and Lina bear took from above hee hee!!!

And facing each other! I really liked this one until I realised how obvious my roots are! Like realy obvious! Oh dearie!!! Oh well at least it shows how long my hair's grown!!!

And here's Jade learning how to pose like us two! I'm sure she'll get it eventually ne!!!!!

And then Jadey showed me the awesome oven mitt they have her! Hee hee she says it's very ammusing when one's bored to pick it up and have a coversation with it! I simply have to agree with her on that one! Although ha naturally one has to quickly stop talking to it when someone walks in! Hee hee I did very much like it though! She says it's like a duck, although with my white top on I'm thinking much more a goose!!!!

Okay so when we did arrive in the kitchen-ey diningroom area we found last nights twister, but it wasn'tlike normal twister and the little faces on it are so giggle making ne!

I es[ecially liked the little purple one!

And my FAVE the blue ones hee hee!

So here's some pure cam whorey ones on the twister mat hee hee!

And to finish there's a fairly blurry (sorry!!!!) one of the three of us!!!!! Hee Hee!!!!

Hope you enjoyed it and apologies for the delay! Myy next post will be about this weekend just gone!!! Should be on pretty soon within the next 4 days I think!!!
*kiss kiss*

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