Thursday, 11 November 2010

Rice Water ... For SKIN?!?!?!

Yay! So i'm really happy cause I'm getting back in to regular updating and I'm getting the whole homework situation back in control again, so hopefully I should be able to start up dating at least 3 times a week in the very near future!!!

Okay so for me I'm pretty good when it comes to spots, however occasionally I get massively horridious outbreaks that just look so unbelievably blek! But recently after watching a video on Youtube that shows me a way to prevent these out breaks occuring!!!

What is this mystical substance you may ask!!! Well at first it may seem a little peculiar but bear with me! It's rice water!!!! Yes the water you use to rinse off your rice has a purpose! And not only does it have a purpose, it's brilliant!!!!

Okay so people who pick rice in China were renowned for having super soft gorgeously glowey skin on their hands because of the fact they were constantly working with the rice!!!
So I have for the past few months been using this stuff on my face and I have to say it works miracles! Not only does it prevent bad outbreaks, but also it softens skin, and gives it a more glowey fresh faced look. Why does it do this you may ask, well the properties in rice water have a natural ability to whiten skin, this whitening however isn't very significant and so instead of looking whiter your skin just looks a lot more pearlised and dewey! Which I find oh so dreadfully helpfull!!!

I've found when I use it regularly when it's used regularly it also makes your skin feel tighter but not in a bad botox way! Just in a refreshed way, which I suppose when I'm older will be good for watching out for wrinkles!!!!

To make this rice water you will need:


Luke Warm Water

A Cup

A Small Solution Dispenser Bottle (Primark sell £1 travel kits that have 3 of these bottles)

Something To Stir With

And A Small SieveHee hee so...

Step 1: Fill 1/3 of a cup with dry rice

Step 2: Fill the rest of the cup with water

Step 3: Use the stir-ey thing to mix together the water and the rice, it should look a milky cloudy colour
Step 4: Strain this solution into your little bottle

Step 5: Shake well and store refridgerated ( you can leave it un-refridgerated but it won't last as long that way)

So there you go!!! Totalliciously simple ne!!!!!! Ha I can't believe I went so long without it I find it totally brilliant! Hee hee I hope you find using it useful, I know I did!

Much Love

*kiss kiss*

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Well over everyday of the weekend I've been going to lots of bonfires and fireworks things! And it's been super good fun!!! (Sorry I didn't write this yesterday by the way, i was ill - yet again grrrrr still am really but well enough to type now) Personally I feel fireworks are really quite relaxing despite the horribley large noise that I'm not too keen on, but the actual fireworks are actually quite lovely I find!!!!

So Friday we just had some little tiddly fireworks from last year that we managed to find in a cupboard. So they weren't particularly spectacular I must admit but they were cute, unfortunately I only managed to get pictures of the gold, red and white ones and I missed the blue and green!!! But here you go anyway!!!

So this was the Friday night just sat at home! But then the Saturday night Daddy and I went to the Bingley Bonfire event!!!! It was amaaazing!!! I've been going since I was 2 and every year it's totally amazing! This year they had a gorgeous new firework that reminded me of when you uncork a bottle of champagne and it all comes streaming out! It was totally gorgeous!!!! I wonder if I have a pic hmmmm....

Ooooooh I do have 3!!!! Two of them are really quit crappy but one of them is really quite nice here you are!!!

Beautiful ne!!!!! But I took lots of other ones as well of brightly coloured ones!!!!!

And then of course there's always the ones I think look like sea anenomes (hope I spelt that right!!!) So yeah hee hee fire anenomes! They're soooo darn purty!!!
And here's where the glitch happened, I was gonna put all the pictures of the pretty anenome ones up when my laptop proceeded to die on me, so i'm updating the end of this from the big computer where unfortunately I do not have the pictures of them so I'm really sorry about that!!!! Anyway! Hoped you liked the pictures that I did manage to get up!
Much Love
*kiss kiss*

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Lissy's Cyber 17th

(Written 2nd of November, photos added 4th of November)

Hee hee so tonight is my last night of being 16 and shall I tell you something, it feels rather weird!!!!! Like because I am really quite childish in my mannerisms and things and so like you know now i'm 17 I can't really say I am a child any more as excuse for things. I knowa lot of people will argue once you hit about 15 or 16 you're no longer really a child, but I feel up till 17 you can legitamately use the excuse so now I won't be able to which is rather weird! But hey I shall take it as it comes and woot woot I'll be able to drive tomorrow (well when my provisional arrives! Hurry up DVLA and Royal Mail!!!)
Anyway I'll talk about more of those things later! I'm here to talk about my actual party which happened on the Friday just gone! The theme was CYBER!!! Hee Hee I got totally exciteable about it and really really enjoyed it hee hee!!!!

So what should I tell you about first! Well lemme just tell you now! Planning was an absolute nightmare! There's been panicking and madness and rushing and all sorts!!! Total stress! So bad!!! But we managed to get everything just about on the day so we hung up the black sheets round the room and then I got to work on spraying them all up with this special UV pink paint which actually showed up orange under the UV light *pouts* I can tell you Iwas not happy about that not happy at all! But yeah it still looked pretty darn cool!

So like I mentioned we had a UV backlight, and in this kit we'd bought we got the UV spray paint (bloody nightmmare I tell you I got pinkspray paint ALL OVER my hands!!!!! And it made my hand ache like crazy so overall not good!!!!!!!!!!!) But it did show up really great in the neon light!!!!
300 glow sticks!!!!!
So this one was definitely a picture fail!!! But I have to admit it shows off the glowing chains I made to perfection!!!!! They just look so pretty!!!
10 glow straws and 8 glow cups!!!!
So here again as seen above are our glowing martini glasses!!!! They are just the best thing since sliced bread I have decided and from now on I shall ALWAYS have them on my birthday just because they are way too cool for school!!!! So starting from the top Lina's is green, Wizzy's was blue, mine's the pink, Zell's the lilac one(it was actually pink like mine but she had a blue lagoon in hers hence the lilac!!!!), and Courtenay's was yellow!!!! I like how pretty they all look together!!!! They're just gorgeous!!!
Right before the party got started I got everything sorted and then half an hour before Zell came over!!! Hee hee!!!
Here's a picture we took when Zell arrived! Hee hee aren't her eye lashes fab!!!! And Imust say the top I lent her suits her very much!!!!!!! It's such a shame though that in all these pictures you cannot see my butterfly contact lenses!!!!!! And they're just so cool as well!! Hee hee in most of my pics they make my eyes look blue!!!!!! So yeah I think we both look ready to party so let's get on with what happened on the night!!!
So obviously I don't haveany pics what so ever of us doing quasar as we were too busy runninground shooting each other to care about such things as pictures but we did get a few from in the half time break where we all got our snacks and such!!!! Hee hee!!!
So here's 3 of us lot!!!! They're pretty bad photos and shall I tell you why!!!! Because my father was taking the pics is why!!!! Silly daddy + crappy camera as you can imagine is not a good mix!!! So we're left with the result which is very bad pics!!!!
So sitting nearest the camera were Beth and Chaz, then Zell and I, followed by Maddy and Anna (and thisis where it gets hard to see), followed by Haz and Wizzy, Rakhi and Selina, and finally Tehreem and Courtenay!!!! Not out best pictures cause we were all munching away and laughing ourselves hoarse with tales of teachers and such!!!!
So whilst we were munching away we brought in my cake, which wasn't really a cake you see!!! It's a giant scone shaped like Hello Kitty's head!!! Hee hee I was rather pleased with it if I did say so myself!!!!!!! So here is the fabulous Hello Kitty Cake!!!
To say this was only my second attempt at this I'd say it was pretty good! So I was really clever cause I love glace cherry scones!!!! But some of the girls at my party loathe them!!! And so I made half of it with cherries and half with raisins!!!! Brilliant idea I thought and everyone seemed to be really pleased with the results as well!!!! I love her bow made out of glace cherries! That bit was super delicious!!!!
Well we went back to our second game and we did BGGS versus non BGGS for our last game!!! Of course BGGS won by a good 3000 points!!!! So I was very happy!!!!! And here's one final picture of me before we go home!!!!!
So because we don't own a car that can fit 7 girls in the back of we took a people carrier taxi!!! Hee hee totally fun journey! For some reason it reminded me of school trips a lot!!! Here we are with some rather bumpy picture we took in the taxi!!!!
Here's Courtenay, Wizzy and Haz getting to sit backwards on the 3 pull out seats!!!!
And here's Lina, Me, Zell and Anna riding on the back seats!!!!!! Although I couldn't really hold my arm out far enough to I kinda cropped out Anna and Lina!!!! Sorry guys!!!!!!
Well we were quite happily sat in the back of oour taxi giggling away and we reached the top of the lane, bare in mind my house is down a tiny country lane with lots, I was in heels, we were all minimally dressed, it was pitch black, and cold. And so Mr Taxi driver was all llike "Right I'll drop of you off here" we were all like ".... WHAT THE HELL" Ha so we gave mother a ring and proceeded to push the phone through the tiny little slot in the plexi glass!!! Ha it's always best to let mothers do the yelling while we just sit in the back! Ha so we finally got home at about 9:30 ish!!!!! Ready to dance hee hee!!!!! And of course have plenty of Pimms, Blue Lagoons, and mine and everyone elses favourite Pink Ladies!!!!
From here on is basically a huuuuuge picture spam so sorry if it makes your computer laggy but I wanted to put all of them up here cause it was just so fun!!!!
To start off here's some group ones!!!! A lot of the pictures the glow stuff doesn't look too good because we had to take the picture with flash on so our glow stuff doesn't show up so well! But we did take some with flash off, anyway sorry on with the pics!!!
There we go!!!! Some pictures of us lot all gathered together!!!!!
The rest are pretty much in no order and I'll just label them as they come!!!
Okay so this seems to be the only pic I forgot to turn the right way up silly Isabel! But here's me stood underneath the UV backlight! My oufit looks so cool underneath it, although for some reason in this pic my UV make up and nails haven't shown up darn it!!!
Here are 2 picture fails that I was gonna delete and then decided I liked the pretty effect that the glow stuff had given off!!!!
Here's me stood with my whole interest invested in my pasta!!! It was very very very good pasta indeed I must say!!! Ha and also to say I had no idea the picture was being taken I think it looks really nice! Almost as if I knew the pic was being taken and chose to stand that way to look carelessly disinterested in all else!!!! I love it!!!!!! And you can also see the black fabric we spray painted in this one!!!!!
Lina Bear looking very sexy here in between a confused looking Wizzy and Courtenay hmmm! Hee hee!!!! I think they may have been wondering to get more drinks!!!!!
Here's two super cute one's of Lina and Courtenay posing and in the second one what looks like some form of dancing together ha!!!!
Followed by one of Haz having a good dance!!! And one where she looks suspiciously cheeky!!! Hee hee what's she trying to do with that ring!!!!
And here she is again with Wizzy with their glow cups!!! Sadly Haz couldn't drink that much as she had her driving lesson at 9 am that morning!!! Poor Haz!!!!!!!
We all mega loved those glow cups!!!! Including Zell and I!!!!!!! I'd say we both look pretty darn awesome in these photos hee hee!!!! I believe the cups were certainly surgically attached to our lips hee hee! Especially when the contents were pink ladies hee hee!!!!
Even posing Zell and I still manage to clutch our drinks hee hee!!!!
I did manage to successfully manage to get one where she wasn't however hee hee! Here she is just laughing about and one with Anna and Haz we're Anna's jus all giggley!!!
Infact here's some more of our Nana Bear!!! First in one where she looks like a robot and Lina's boobs are being attacked by the UV light and secondly where she's demonstrating her amazing artistic ability to draw ........... a heart on my chest!!!!!
To finish off here's two of me! One with Courtenay and one with 1/4 of Wizzy's face hee hee sorry Wizzy love youuuuu!!!
Hope all you guys enjoyed looking at how my birthday party was!!!! I really enjoyed it!!! What a way to turn 17 eh!!!!
*kiss kiss*