Saturday, 11 December 2010

Princess Hair

Heya Everyone!

First things first I'd really like to thank everyone who's helped my blog reach 200 views I feel so happy! YAY! But anyway on with the show!

Okay so I was gonna write about those fish that eat your feet (because they are amaaaazing!) BUT after my last post about what I wore for non-uniform day I've had a fair few requests of people especially Eve and Rakhi asking how I did my hair!!! So who am I to not offer the people what they want hee hee! So here's how you get a kinda princessy glamorous thick lush hair look that simply is fantastical!!! You'll need a few items first!!!


Bobby Pins

Hairspray - Now personally I have always used Pantennet Pro-V Ice Shine, although I know Roisin will reccomend using the super strong Tresemme one. Basically it's a matter of personal preference but whatever brand you use make sure you get super strong hold, none of this light and airy stuff!

A Bobble/Separating Clips (again it's all about personal preference I stick to a good old hair bobble)

Large Curling Tong (you're looking for one that's preferably between 32 and 36 mm oh and also ceramic!)

Hair Extensions - As to hair extensions this really does depend on your hair length and the kind of look you're going for. To give you a rough idea my hair is 20 inches long and I feel that I need the hair extensions in order to get length when curling so that you can get that thick princess look, but if you're happy with having your curls look short, or you have super long hair there's no need

Hair Brush

You may also need Ratting or a Bump It if you want super height without back combing your hair!


So to start off with obviously your hair needs a good brushing through. I would recomend with this hairstyle that it looks and stays best if you do it in the middle of your hair washing cycle, if your hair is too clean (so like if you did it the same day/day after you washed it) your hair might be too slippery and the curls will drop out, but obviously if you leave it too long your hair will be greasy so won't look good at all! Basically you've got to judge and know how your hair best reacts to curling and stuff!

So after brushing you'll need to separate your hair, this is where your bobble or separating clips come in use, for your first layer you don't want much at all as it will be covered up by the extensions, but at the same time you need enough for them to grip onto so I reckon about an inch to an inch and a half is about the right ammount, then put the rest of your hair up on top of your head

Then your gonna start working onyour hair section by section, for such a thin layer you really only need to curl 4 sections, but for thicker hair you may need 5 or 6 and thinner you may only need 3! So get your section in one hand and then roll it up on your curling tong!

Now I know some people prefer diferent types of curling tongs, some people like those ones that are just a wand, me personally I prefer the ones that can grip the hair, now to achieve the curl you see below I hold the tongs horizontal with the clasp-ey part on top and the barrel beneath, now rolling up from the bottom of my hair I roll inwards so when it's fully rolled on the outside is my hair then the barrel then my chin. Hold for about 10/15 seconds for a medium heat curler, 5 for a high heat. IF your hair really doesn't like curling you can hair spray your hair before you curl it then it definitely will stick! Release and your left with a gorgeous curl!

Now remember to hairspray once you've done it!!!! Hairspray either after every curl before you separate it, or every layer if you only start separating after you've done the whole layer,but remember HAIRSPRAY HAIRSPRAY HAIRSPRAY!!! I cannot emphasise enough!

So take your curl and separate it from something that's an inch and a half thick to lots of little super thin curls, it's gonna look kind of bad at first but trust me this is what will build up all that thick volume you want for at the end and gives it a less victorian ringlets look (unless of course that's the look you're going for). So you'll be repeating this part all the time your curling with this constant separation so you're gonna have to be patient!

Here's what it looks like when one ringlet is separated, not too impressive but you'll just have to wait to see the effect it gives hee hee! Well after you've done this don't forget to HAIRSPRAY now you've separated!

So you carry on with that until you've finished your entire bottom layer! Now if you wanna add extensions now's the time! So here I am and mine are all layed out. As you can see I've precurled mine. This is mainly because as mine are plastic they're a nightmare to curl and so I need to hold them out in front of me, but if you can curl yours easily you can clip them in then curl them

Well as you can see this doesn't really look too promising because you can see all the clips and also it looks very fake, but don't worry once you get everything else layered on top so long as they're the right colour they'll blend straight in - trust me! But you can certainly see the length they add If you need extensions to add volume you can of course add in more layers, but this way of styling, separating all the layers should add enough volume without having to do that!

Okay so in the picture below I have basically repeated what I did for that first layer before I put the extensions in, as you can see once you've put that layer on top then separated it all out it blends in straight away and now you've got the length as well as the volume you can really see how this style is gonna end up, don't forget once you've done the layer after the extensions HAIRSPRAY!

Hee hee and here you can see me emphasising that point as I'm spraying it myself here we've still got a couple more layer of hair to go I think though!

Right before you do your second to penultimate layer you're gonna have to make sure your parting is in the right place, if you already have a fringe or side fringe then you don't need to bother with this step, but for us girls who don't you're gonna need to create the image of a side fringe to do that, to do that you're gonna have to make sure you have a parting really far over on your head, so although I normally have a parting lined up with the inner corner of my eye, for this style i'm moving it over to be in line with the outer corner of my eye. Obviously it doesn't matter which side you do this on so long as you do it!

So once you've done that second to penultimate layer your hair should really have built up now to a great mass of curls like below, don't forget to HAIRSPRAY!

Right so now we've reached the penultimate layer! So curl everything as normal right up to the scallp, apart from when you reach the part of your hair that's going to act as your fringe, for the penultimate layer you're gonna want to leave the last 2 inches of that front section un curled like show, and also you don't wanna separate this curl so when your spraying everything else after separating them, spray this unseparated!

On your last layer repeat the stage above precisley except for leave about 4 inches insted of 2!

Okay so here we are and we have some thick vixen looking locks! Aren't they gorgeous, if you're just going for some glamorous sultry curls you can of course leave it here, but we're going for a princess look so give it one last quick spray before we move on to creating the fringe and bouffant!

So for your fringe you're gonna collect up that section that you left uncurled before, it should be about 1 inch back from your headfore and about 4 inches across, then clip it out of the way either with separating clips or you can use a bobby pin! Not a bobble!

Now this next layer that you collect is gonna be the smooth part you just gently place ontop of your backcombing, ratting, or bump it, and is gonna make your bouffant do look tidy and fabulous! You'll need to get a section that runs from ear to ear, you can see that with the dashed line i've drawn, as well you probably want it to be a centimetre to an inch thick, this difference all depends on the thickness of your hair, a person with thick hair will only need a centimetre, someone with thin hair will probably need an inch! Once you've done this section it off!

Here's this same picture from the side just to demonstrate, so section it off with a bobby pin, and then leave it hang whilst we deal with creating the height!

So here we creating the height for your bouffant, as you'll see on thefinal pictures of this post mine actually isn't that high, that's because I'm trying to grow my hair and so backcombing will not do it any good, so unless I'm going out for a special occasion I try and avoid it and so this time I haven't backcombed although I did for non-uniform day. But when I did back comb I got a circular section from just behind the last section we collected and started back combing until it was all done and stuck up straight then I hairsprayed, the higher you want your bouffant the more you should backcomb though, you can if you want do the whole section for a super high one! However if you're growing your hair like me, you're probably gonna want to avoid that, so there are some options. Instead of collecting this section you can instead put behind the last section a piece of ratting or a bump it. For those that don't know what ratting is it's basically all that hair you've pulled out of your hair brush collected together, sounds kinda grosse but it was one way they got those huuuuge beehives in days gone by, a second more modern alternative is the bumpit those little plastic alice band things that you just put in. So with ratting you'd just pin it in to place, and a bump it should just slide straight in.

After this you simply get that middle section of hair you pinned out of the way and gentley brush it over the top and pin in place with a couple of pins before adding a heck of a lot and I mean a heck of a lot of hair spray!!!!! Here I've used loads because I have no ratting, no back combing, and no bump it, so I'm relying purely on the pins and the hair spray, but as you can see it can work without all that although it won't be very high. Butyes just gently brush that section over the top and from here you can adjust the shape of your bouffant! For a more stylised look you can have it suddenly go up over the top, or for a more natural look like below you can do some the hair gently to the side so the bouffant gains gradual height as apposed to sudden, it's all about preference! Then you take that first section you separated brush it over to one side of your face and pin it down, sprayand VOILA! Hee hee you're done!

So here's the back of the hair and I've tried to give it a bit of a careless wind swept look bypulling some other curls over the top and things, you can of course do it more stylised, or if you want to take attention away from the back of your hair you could put in a nice butterfly clip or a heavily decorated one!

And here's the finished look with me smiling and it's pretty ne! I love this hairstyle and I hope you'll enjoy trying it out!!!!! Hee Hee! Good luck with it!!!!

So thankyou so much for reason and I hope this was helpful to you! I've never been very good at describing how I did stuff so I hope I did a good job! Anyway enjoy!!!
*kiss kiss*

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Okay So! I FINALLY have my net book back!!! So happy! Two weeks without it nearly killed me! I've been living off my blackberry and school computers, so no decent blogging, and i figured if I couldn't do it well it was just best not to do it at all seeing as it's me!!!!

So it was non-uniform day not last Friday but the Friday before and I've been desperate to post how I was dressed because I was very proud of the whole outfit!!!! It's brilliant!!!

I was 100% going for an extreme hime gyaru Jesus Diamante look and was trying to copy the staff-san they have there!!!! I think the whole look worked really well!!!

Here are the highly detailed tights I was wearing!!!!

They're fromthis really nice Italian tights shop called Calzedonia, and I have to say they do abolutely gorgeous stuff! Whilst I was in Spain I bought 3 pairs of tights and a pair of knee high socks that were all super gorgeous! Although it is quite expensive at 6 euros each!!!! Still! I love all the little cats and eiffel towers on them!!! The little cats berets and bow ties also are glittery! Talkk about fab sparkly detailing!

Next are my new wedges from New Look!

So these are a really nice sweet baby pink! And they're also very high which I love, also the cute bows on the front just gave them that girlie finish I was looking for with my oufit! Although I do have to say these are probably the most uncomfortable shoes I haveever worn! However that's probably just because I am only a size 2 1/2 whereas these are a 3 and have no supportive strap, hence the uncomfyness! So these were £25 from New Look which I was really pleased about! And I hyper love these shoes! They really are so lovely hee hee!

Next up we have the dress I was wearing!!!!!

Full lacey chiffon and everything! The gauze has a kinda irredecance to it that makes it looks all soft and lovely and it has these lovely floaty see through shoulders that look so feather light, not only this but the shape of the dress is so nice the way it flares out at the bottom a little!!! Over all for a tenner a very very great find! Not only this but you should see the detailinground the neck line!

Aren't you just loving the little antique silk roses all round the neckline! The perfect sweet lovely finish that makes this such a fab dress!!! Not only this but even though you can't see it in the picture in the centre of each rose is a rhinestone that glitters dead nicely when it catches the light! Hee hee a super rich expensive lookimg touch I feel!!!

So on to the cardie then!

Hee hee so this is a little 100% cashmere cardie from a special bridal wear shop! And I love it!!!! It keeps you so warm without you looking bulky or ugly and because it's cashmere it's super soft as well! So as you can tell it's under bust and 3/4 length sleevesso i looks super petite on as well! The ultimate in sugary sweet class!

Not to mention there's more fab detailing on this as well! It has gorgeous rhinestones and bead work all round the kneckline, and the cuffs of the sleeves! And also the ends of the ties! It's so thoughtfully intricate!!!

So to finish off here arethe two hair pieces I was wearing!!! A lovely silk rose I got from internacionale at 2 for £4!!! And a hair pin my mom gave me when I was younger that has like a mother of pearl finish to it with pale pink swarovskis just to catch the light! Hee hee here they are!

Okay! So finally we're done with what I was wearing! So I suppose you want to see my full outfit and a close up of hair and make up!!!! Well to start off with here are the close ups!!!!

So what d'you think!!! I hope I manged to pull the look off! I think it all went really well hee hee! See you for my next post about feet eating fish hee hee!

*kiss kiss*

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Rice Water ... For SKIN?!?!?!

Yay! So i'm really happy cause I'm getting back in to regular updating and I'm getting the whole homework situation back in control again, so hopefully I should be able to start up dating at least 3 times a week in the very near future!!!

Okay so for me I'm pretty good when it comes to spots, however occasionally I get massively horridious outbreaks that just look so unbelievably blek! But recently after watching a video on Youtube that shows me a way to prevent these out breaks occuring!!!

What is this mystical substance you may ask!!! Well at first it may seem a little peculiar but bear with me! It's rice water!!!! Yes the water you use to rinse off your rice has a purpose! And not only does it have a purpose, it's brilliant!!!!

Okay so people who pick rice in China were renowned for having super soft gorgeously glowey skin on their hands because of the fact they were constantly working with the rice!!!
So I have for the past few months been using this stuff on my face and I have to say it works miracles! Not only does it prevent bad outbreaks, but also it softens skin, and gives it a more glowey fresh faced look. Why does it do this you may ask, well the properties in rice water have a natural ability to whiten skin, this whitening however isn't very significant and so instead of looking whiter your skin just looks a lot more pearlised and dewey! Which I find oh so dreadfully helpfull!!!

I've found when I use it regularly when it's used regularly it also makes your skin feel tighter but not in a bad botox way! Just in a refreshed way, which I suppose when I'm older will be good for watching out for wrinkles!!!!

To make this rice water you will need:


Luke Warm Water

A Cup

A Small Solution Dispenser Bottle (Primark sell £1 travel kits that have 3 of these bottles)

Something To Stir With

And A Small SieveHee hee so...

Step 1: Fill 1/3 of a cup with dry rice

Step 2: Fill the rest of the cup with water

Step 3: Use the stir-ey thing to mix together the water and the rice, it should look a milky cloudy colour
Step 4: Strain this solution into your little bottle

Step 5: Shake well and store refridgerated ( you can leave it un-refridgerated but it won't last as long that way)

So there you go!!! Totalliciously simple ne!!!!!! Ha I can't believe I went so long without it I find it totally brilliant! Hee hee I hope you find using it useful, I know I did!

Much Love

*kiss kiss*

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Well over everyday of the weekend I've been going to lots of bonfires and fireworks things! And it's been super good fun!!! (Sorry I didn't write this yesterday by the way, i was ill - yet again grrrrr still am really but well enough to type now) Personally I feel fireworks are really quite relaxing despite the horribley large noise that I'm not too keen on, but the actual fireworks are actually quite lovely I find!!!!

So Friday we just had some little tiddly fireworks from last year that we managed to find in a cupboard. So they weren't particularly spectacular I must admit but they were cute, unfortunately I only managed to get pictures of the gold, red and white ones and I missed the blue and green!!! But here you go anyway!!!

So this was the Friday night just sat at home! But then the Saturday night Daddy and I went to the Bingley Bonfire event!!!! It was amaaazing!!! I've been going since I was 2 and every year it's totally amazing! This year they had a gorgeous new firework that reminded me of when you uncork a bottle of champagne and it all comes streaming out! It was totally gorgeous!!!! I wonder if I have a pic hmmmm....

Ooooooh I do have 3!!!! Two of them are really quit crappy but one of them is really quite nice here you are!!!

Beautiful ne!!!!! But I took lots of other ones as well of brightly coloured ones!!!!!

And then of course there's always the ones I think look like sea anenomes (hope I spelt that right!!!) So yeah hee hee fire anenomes! They're soooo darn purty!!!
And here's where the glitch happened, I was gonna put all the pictures of the pretty anenome ones up when my laptop proceeded to die on me, so i'm updating the end of this from the big computer where unfortunately I do not have the pictures of them so I'm really sorry about that!!!! Anyway! Hoped you liked the pictures that I did manage to get up!
Much Love
*kiss kiss*